
Dr. Murphy published in Naturopathic Doctor News and Review
Dr. Murphy writes about the history and function of Robert’s Formula in the July, 2021 issue of Naturopathic Doctor News and Review. Robert’s Formula is a gentle herbal blend that has broad use for common digestive disorders and more serious...
CBD and Diet vs Mouse Antibodies for Long Term Management of Auto Immune Disease
This article discusses the dangers of long-term monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) use and compares their efficacy to naturopathic treatment such as food prescriptions and treatments utilizing nutraceuticals like cannabidiol (CBD).
CBD Dose Guidelines for Pediatrics and Adults
The most common question I get about CBD is: “How much do I take”? CBD is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis that is extracted from CBD rich strains of marijuana such as the Charlotte’s Web strain. The safety profile and the ability of CBD to control...
Pediatric CBD
Pediatric CBD Blog Post Goes Viral. Lessons learned from a sometimes-blogging Naturopathic Doctor
My blog post guide to pediatric CBD dosing went viral and has now crested 100,000 page views this year! As you can see from the website analytics, the page views demonstrated classic ‘hockey stick’ growth that is the hallmark of ‘going viral’...
One Question for ADHD
Should I medicate my ADHD grade schooler? The one question I ask parents.
The average age of an attention deficit disorder diagnosis is age 7: this is a time when pressure at school mounts and children need to begin to focus and sit still for long periods of time. Parents of children with ADHD usually start to notice symptoms...
Treat PCOS Naturally
Six Ways to Treat PCOS with Naturopathic Medicine
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or “multiple ovarian cysts” is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. PCOS can be a frustrating, and sometimes painful condition, and can lead to fertility problems. I have successfully treated...
Pediatric CST
Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy
Pediatric Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands on bodywork modality that can be used to address a large variety of pediatric growth and development disorders that present very early in infancy. CST for infants should be considered for all breastfeeding...
Mold and Mildew Illness testing
This article provides info on how to test yourself or your child for exposure to mold, mildew, fungi and mycotoxins. A simple urine test can provide detailed information about potential environmental exposures to molds and mycotoxins, the metabolites...
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Asian Food IgG Allergy Test
If you eat an Asian diet and consume many foods commonly found outside the 96 food items that standard food allergy tests look at, then this test is for you: Asian Food IgG Allergy Test   Abalone, adzuki beans, shiitake mushrooms, seaweed and many...
The DUTCH Test
The DUTCH Test
The DUTCH test is a urine steroid hormone profile that measures hormones and hormone metabolites (called conjugates) in a dried urine sample. DUTCH stands for “dried urine total complete hormones” and the test is offered by Precision Analytical lab in...
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