
Cherry Soup Recipe
I finally got around to making one of my favorite recipes from the Moosewood Cookbook, Cherry Soup, this...
Homeopathic Vaccines aka 'homeoprophylaxis'
With California enacting the nations’ most restrictive vaccine legislation, vaccine safety will...
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Liposomal Vitamins-Easy to Take, Readily Absorbed
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Why do UC/Crohn's/IBD sufferers fail to heal from GAPS/Simple Carb/Paleo diets?
The high failure rate of GAPS and low-carb diets.
EWG 2017 Announce
EWG 2017 Sunscreen Report
Environmental Working Group 2017 Sunscreen Report Every year the EWG releases its much awaited sunscreen...
5 Ways to Treat Pediatric Oral Thrush Naturally
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Yunnan Baiyao Case Study
Yunnan Baiyao-The Anti-Bleeding Herb Coveted by the Vietcong
Yunnan Baiyao-“The white medicine from Yunnan province.”
GERD drugs linked to Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular disease
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Fish Oil Reduces the Risk of Childhood Asthma
Fish oil supplements taken in the in the third trimester of pregnancy reduced the absolute risk of persistent...
Genetic Testing for MTHFR Gene Defect
The rise of genetic testing has allowed the average individual to look into their genome and see where...
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